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Writer's picture: Tim AllisonTim Allison

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

"The first stirrings of dissatisfaction and the first intimations of a better future are always found in works of art" - John Dewey

INSPIRATION - audio (but sweet idea)

entropy - the natural order for things to fall into disarray

John Dewey (Art As Experience):

"While man is other than bird and beast, he shares basic vital functions with them and has to make the same basal adjustments if he is to continue the process of living. Having the same vital needs, man derives the means by which he breathes, moves, looks and listens, the very brain with which he coordinates his senses and his movements, from his animal forbears. The organs with which he maintains himself in being are not of himself alone, but by the grace of struggles and achievements of a long line of animal ancestry. "

"Life itself consists of phases in which the organism falls out of step with the march of surrounding things and then recovers unison with it—either through effort or by some happy chance. And, in a growing life, the recovery is never mere return to a prior state, for it is enriched by the state of disparity and resistance through which it has successfully passed. If the gap between organism and environment is too wide, the creature dies. If its activity is not enhanced by the temporary alienation, it merely subsists. Life grows when a temporary falling out is a transition to a more extensive balance of the energies of the organism with those of the conditions under which it lives. These biological commonplaces are something more than that; they reach to the roots of the esthetic in experience. The world is full of things that are indifferent and even hostile to life; the very processes by which life is maintained tend to throw it out of gear with its surroundings. Nevertheless, if life continues and if in continuing it expands, there is an overcoming of factors of opposition and conflict; there is a transformation of them into differentiated aspects of a higher powered and more significant life. The marvel of organic, of vital, adaptation through expansion (instead of by contraction and passive accommodation) actually takes place. Here in germ are balance and harmony attained through rhythm. Equilibrium comes about not mechanically and inertly but out of, and because of, tension. "

"Order cannot but be admirable in a world constantly threatened with disorder—in a world where living creatures can go on living only by taking advantage of whatever order exists about them, incorporating it into themselves. In a world like ours, every living creature that attains sensibility welcomes order with a response of harmonious feeling whenever it finds a congruous order about it. "

"But happiness and delight are a different sort of thing. They come to be through a fulfillment that reaches to the depths of our being—one that is an adjustment of our whole being with the conditions of existence. "

"contempt for the body, fear of the senses, and the opposition of flesh to spirit. "

"Only those who are so far removed from the earlier experiences as to miss their sense will conclude that rites and ceremonies were merely technical devices for securing rain, sons, crops, success in battle. Of course they had this magical intent, but they were enduringly enacted, we may be sure, in spite of all practical failures, because they were immediate enhancements of the experience of living. "

"Theologies and cosmogonies have laid hold of imagination because they have been attended with solemn processions, incense, embroidered robes, music, the radiance of colored lights, with stories that stir wonder and induce hypnotic admiration. "

tim- im all for science but we need to put the magic back into the world. make us appreciate what is already here, whilst also allowing an escape from reality. wonder into the world.


  • isolation theme?

  • electricity?

  • digital world (isolation led to): data transfer = distortion = bad. but represent digital, so maybe use them as compositional elements.

  • field recordings

  • use binaural mic to capture things - experiment with that in surround (ie: capture a train driving past and play with doubling it up in different speakers or panning around)

  • carve out sound from an environment

  • contact mics

  • sound is just a version of touch

  • soundwalking

  • set up installation in public outdoor space.... have visual done in distance!!!

  • juxtaposition city to quiet nature to enhanced to not.

  • getting into good rhythms - returning to nature

  • light up trees maybe?

  • install laser with mirror.

  • lots of empty spaces around the city - wonder if i could book one as a temporary art space

  • glow in the dark water / bubbles

  • projection onto mist wall?


  • wow/flutter

  • dither

  • flux

  • max neuhaus

  • nada brahma

  • steve roden

  • entrainment

  • leviathan movie

  • noise water meat textbook

  • moodboard


the key to sound installation art is to design piece for the space (

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